We are a Christian Church
We believe what the church around the world has believed since the very beginning. That is, Jesus, who is fully God and man, died for our sins and on the third day rose from the dead, and that all who believe in him will be saved. We joyfully own and proclaim the Apostles and Nicene Creeds.
We are a Confessional Church
We gladly stand within the stream of the Reformation Churches, who highlighted the good news of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. And our supreme standard of faith and life in Scripture alone.
A full summary of our theological teaching is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith, which can be found here.
We are a Connectional Church
As Presbyterians, we are persuaded we should be linked into a wider network of churches who provide support and accountability to us. We are part of a larger family of congregations called the Free Church of Scotland, whose aim is to see ‘a healthy gospel church in every community in Scotland‘.