Our Mission

Mission, Vision, Priorities page


Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known, in Montrose and the surrounding communities.

In dependence on the Spirit and in obedience to Jesus’s command, we seek to make and mature disciples. This was the commission Jesus gave to his church.

We do this by knowing Jesus through his word and making him known in the gospel. The epicentre of our mission is in Montrose, but we are also committed to the surrounding communities and towns, seeing the great need for Jesus in those places.


To see a healthy gospel church established & flourishing in Montrose, and see other churches started & strengthened in Angus and Mearns.



Keeping the message of Jesus at the centre of all we do


People becoming more like Jesus


Reverent and rich worship of God


Loving and serving one another like Christ


Sharing the good news of grace in our communities

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